1、install dependencies

1、install dependencies

run npm i to install node dependencies then see https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/ to choose your corresponding version, just to download homebrew chruby ruby jekyll


after install all the dependencies,runjekyll serve --livereloadto force the browser to refresh with every change, in other words, hot refresh.

or run jekyll serve --watch, but this one can not hot refresh. So the previous one is better.

when in developing, save ming-blog.less and it can automatically trans into ming-blog.css which can be use in preview. when in production, copy the final .css into the css file. no more less file in production.

because jekyll build file in _site, but gitpage only can host /root or /docs into site. So at every push, I use jekyll build --source . --destination docs to put the building file into to docs manually.


| Variable | file name | Description | | ———– | ———– | ——– | | site | _config.yml | 全局变量以及网站配置数据 | | | _drafts | 草稿是未发布的文章。这些文件的命名格式是没有日期的:title.MARKUP。了解如何使用草稿。| | 可复用的模板 | _includes | 可复用的模板,例如head.html, footer.html | ||_layouts|这些是包装文章的模板。在YAML Front Matter中逐层选择布局,这将在下一节中介绍。 The liquid tag

关于「 我 」

Hi, this is Ming.

👋 Hello



该博客平台我参考 @Hux@Yuanlin Lin 的博客,使用jekyll、Liquid、boostrap搭建而成。仓库请挪步到Ming Blog

Hello! I'm Ming, a front-end developer who has a keen interest in page development with a design background. I'm currently preparing to join Ctrip as a front-end engineer.

You can check out the technical articles I've published in the "Selected Articles" and "Tags" sections of this blog. Additionally, you can explore the "Knowledge" area to see what I've been learning about computer science, front-end engineering, design, and more.

I drew inspiration for this blog platform from the works of @Hux and @Yuanlin Lin. It's built using Jekyll, Liquid, and Bootstrap. You can find the repository for this blog at Ming Blog.

用于将内容注入网页。| ||_posts|这里是你的动态内容。这些文件的命名约定很重要,并且必须遵循以下格式:YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.MARKUP。可以为每篇文章指定固定链接,但日期和MARKUP语言完全由文件名决定。| |site.data|_data|使用.yml,.yaml,.json或.csv格式和扩展名,并且可以通过site.data访问它们。主要是全局信息| ||_sass|可以导入到main.scss中的sass部分,然后将它们处理成一个样式表main.css,该样式表定义了你的网站使用的样式。 | ||_site|这是Jekyll build生成的网站将被存放的(默认)位置。建议将它添加到.gitignore文件中。| ||.jekyll-metadata|临时文件,这些将帮助Jekyll追踪自上次构建站点后哪些文件未被修改,以及哪些文件需要在下一个版本中重新生成。该文件不会包含在生成的网站中。建议将它添加到.gitignore文件中。| ||index.html或index.md|网站的首页文件| |site.post|_post|任意地方使用site.post可以获取_post中的文章|